Investment Acquisitions & Sales


Investment Acquisitions & Sales

Acquiring a property or portfolio as an investment requires a particular set of skills. At Land Law we have brought together a team who have the skills and the experience.

The key is working together with our clients, their agents and other advisers to sift through the due diligence and work out the key points that affect value. We analyse leases to check for hidden traps for investors and for inconsistencies between leases. We work with managing agents to review service charges. For properties that are recently constructed, we check what warranties and guarantees are available for our clients. We know what funders require and work to anticipate issues and find solutions. We look at any risks which might be involved in the purchase, and suggest ways of mitigating these. Our reports are designed to set out key data in straightforward manner. Documents are available for clients to read online. Selling an investment property also requires specialist skills. The key here to a successful and speedy sale is preparation to give full information to buyers and their advisers through our portal at the outset. We work with our clients and their other advisers to collate all relevant information. Our documents are designed to protect our clients, but at the same time to be fair. Although we are thorough, we do not score points. We understand the commercial priorities and work in a collaborative way with the buyer’s advisers to achieve solutions and a sale.