Sometimes, disputes may arise between the parties to a contract that relates to land. Examples include:

  • One party may fail to complete on the sale or purchase of property;
  • The seller of the property may have made a misrepresentation about some element of its state or nature;
  • A party may breach the terms of a pre-emption agreement (which grants the beneficiary a right of first refusal), an option agreement (which grants the beneficiary a right to compel the owner to sell the property), or a development agreement (which mandates how land which is to be subject to development should be dealt with); and
  • A party may breach the terms of a joint venture agreement relating to land (often in respect of redevelopment).

Where a party breaches the terms of a contract, we can advise our clients on how best to protect their position and, in particular, how they can enforce their rights and remedies under that contract.

Professional Negligence

It is an unfortunate fact that sometimes property transactions can go wrong in circumstances in which either a solicitor or a surveyor have been at fault. For example, a surveyor might over value a property or a solicitor might miss something highly relevant in preparing a title report. These occurrences are fortunately rare, but Land Law has a great deal of experience of advising clients who come to us for help after things have gone wrong with the professionals they usually employ.

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